黄金咸香起司 Salty Cheesy Love
中文名称: 黄金咸香起司
英文名称: Salty Cheesy Love
黄金咸香起司是一款独特的爱心形状饼干,咸香四溢,让人一口接着一口,停不下来!它是我们系列中唯一一款带咸口的饼干,专为成人口味打造。饼干底部选用细腻的奶油奶酪(Cream Cheese)制成,顶部搭配浓郁的切达奶酪(Cheddar Cheese),两种起司完美融合,带来层次丰富的口感。这款饼干绝对是必买之选,无论是自用还是送礼,都会成为味蕾的宠儿!
English Description:
Salty Cheesy is a uniquely crafted heart-shaped cookie that delivers an irresistible savory flavor, making it hard to stop at just one bite! As the only salty option in our lineup, it’s specially designed for adults with refined taste. The base is made with smooth cream cheese, while the top is layered with rich cheddar cheese, creating a delightful harmony of flavors. This must-buy treat is perfect for indulging yourself or as a thoughtful gift for cheese lovers!
Ingredients List:
English: Cream Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, Wheat Flour, Butter, Sugar, Eggs, Salt